28 July 2009

Legos. Ages 4 - 28+

Way to ruin the photo John John.

Look at me.

Legos. All Legos!

Cool trick.

Monday Afternoon Adventure

05 June 2009


My Evening Acessories

Jazoo 2009

Kansas City Zoo. 100th Aniversary.
Friday 5 June 2009.

28 May 2009

Fun in the Gift Shop


Ernst Barlach, 1910.


John Douglas Patrick, 1888.

Teaching a Mustang Pony to Pack Dead Game

Frederic Remington, 1769.

One of the few black and white paintings I have seen prior to the modern movement. (The painting was intended for publication in an edition of Harper's Weekly.)

An Afternoon Outing

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

25 May 2009

Big Jim & Little Fish

Photo: Sam Shepherd

Director of Special Effects: Richard Jarrett

Fishin' the Clinton Resevoir Spillway


Richard, Jim, Sam.
Aimee's Coffeehouse, Lawrence, KS.

Motorcycles in the Morning

Slept soundly after a dinner of bratwursts, canned vegetables and baked beans all washed down with a few nips from a rare bottle of 18 year old Talisker single malt Scotch Whiskey.

BMW. Jim. Triumph. BMW.

24 May 2009

On Holiday with "Dick & Big Jim"

Two day, two-wheeled adventure to Clinton Lake Reservoir.

Lawrence, KS, Memorial Day Weekend

19 April 2009

But is Barbados Ready for Me?

Itchy, but Stylish Feet

Wanderlust has taken hold of me once again. My feet, with the help of a little dough and human flight technology will soon find me among friends on the island of Barbados in the southeast Caribbean.