31 October 2008

Spooky Halloween Evening

As I am leaving Danville for a nearby campground I notice a little smoke coming up from around my triple-trees (fork/frame connection). Not good. The oil level looks low so I top it off and decide to head east toward Little Rock in case I need to stop for repairs tomorrow. There is no moon, no stars, few cars and the surrounding countryside and sky are as black as the new asphalt. AR hwy 60 is a typical two-lane for the region, curvey, hilly and well maintained, but when the last little bit of sunlight disappeared it got creepy. Just my single headlight and a couple of white and yellow lines fading into the darkness. But at least it stopped raining.

Happy Trails, Pig Tails & Halloween!

After a quick bite at Bubba's (who I met by the way and does not look at all like a "Bubba" should) I waited for the hail to stop and headed south out of Eureka Springs still chasing clearer skies. I took AR 23, the Pig Tail Trail, appropriately named for it's curves and AR 309 through the rain and past the lightening to Danville. My 650cc blue Beemer trying to keep up with the rumble of the constant thunder the entire route.

Raindrops & Sirens

I awoke to the sounds of raindrops falling softly on my tent and thunder in the distance. The sky was clear to the south and as I quickly packed I heard loud sirens from nearby telephone poles. I moved even faster. When I was almost loaded, I asked another camper what the sirens were signalling. His reply, "The start of the days trout fishing." Ha.

30 October 2008

New Apartment

What a great day, once I made it out of the city and onto some quiet country two-lanes. A little slow this morning, but I am feeling better and I think the fresh 70 mph air is helping. This evening I just moved into my new apartment for the next month, a cozy blue and yellow nylon dome tent. Tonight it is located amongst the birch trees and pleasant sounds of the Roaring River south of Cassville, MO.

29 October 2008

Unhealthy = Unhappy

Breakfast and some rest helped a little, lunch and more rest helped a bit more, but both just brought me closer to sundown. Tomorrow will make two days behind schedule and I have to leave. I have "itchy feet," and need to be on my way. It is all very exciting, hope I can get a good night's sleep. And if anyone finds themselves asking 'Why' am I partaking on this "Two-Wheeled Texas Adventure." Read the following article, not my exact thoughts, but a good explanation no less.

Nuclear Meltdown

No, not really, but almost as bad. I awoke this morning, body aching, in a puddle of sweat and with a sore throat. Not good for much of anything, let alone riding, but I need to get on the road so I will eat something and see if I feel better in a few hours.

28 October 2008

Photo Archives

Sam and "Pops," Pacific Ocean, mouth of the Columbia River, August 2003, End of the Lewis and Clark Trail

Teeter Rock, Flint Hills, KS, October 2004

The Call of the Wild

"It filled him with a great unrest and strange desires. It caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearnings and stirrings for he knew not what. Sometimes he pursued the call into the forest, looking for it as though it were a tangible thing . . ."

-Jack London, The Call of the Wild, Chapter 7: The Sounding of the Call

This is the beginning of a month long motorcycle excursion South: through Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. I hope to see some new country, take a few pictures, visit friends and maybe, satiate my wanderlust, or just encourage it. My saddle bags are packed, and although a day behind schedule, I am comfortably filled with excitement and a healthy dose of trepidation for my departure in the morning. We will see how long this blog last, as I will be camping most nights and my only connection to the internet and rest of the world will be my phone and maybe a few post cards.